Seawater KH

LAB for laboratory use
Manufacturer Bioanalytic GmbH

For titrimetric determination of carbonate hardness in seawater and freshwater aquariums. Visual method after color change.

The test is designed for the determination of carbonate hardness (KH) in seawater and freshwater aquariums from 1 to 15 °dKH (degree of German carbonate hardness).

The determination is carried out as titration with hydrochloric acid against a mixed indicator whose colour changes from green to red at pH = 4.3.

For kit contents see product information.

Product Versions

All prices plus statutory VAT.
REF (Ord.-No.) Content Price Specification
073030-6001 1 Kit       Carton
Product Information
Safety Data Sheets

Our safety data sheets are provided via the service provider SDS-ID International.
You can find the SDS-ID on your product label.

SDS-ID International Logo

SDS-ID: 100161-8,100162-7


Seawater CA

For the determination of calcium content in seawater aquariums by complexometric titration. Visual method after color change.

  • Manufacturer Bioanalytic GmbH
Seawater MG

For the determination of magnesium content in seawater aquariums by complexometric titration. Visual method after color change.

  • Manufacturer Bioanalytic GmbH
Seawater MG & CA

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  • Manufacturer Bioanalytic GmbH
Seawater pH

For determining the pH value in seawater aquariums by colour comparison scale.

  • Manufacturer Bioanalytic GmbH
Water Hardness (Total Hardness)

For determination of the total hardness in water by complexometric titration. Visual method after color change.

  • Manufacturer Bioanalytic GmbH