Use e.g. for counting erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes.
Glass counting chamber with two counting grids for single use.
Samson's Concentrate
Certificate of Analysis available |
Manufacturer |
Bioanalytic GmbH |
Reagent concentrate, suitable for counting of WBC (white blood cells, leukocytes) from small volumes of liquor cerebrospinalis.
Use for dilution (VP = Volume parts):
- 9 VP Liquor + 1 VP Samson's Concentrate
Dilution 9 : 10 = 1 : 1,11. - 10 VP Liquor + 1 VP Samson's Concentrate
Dilution 10 : 11 = 1 : 1,1.
Direct procedure with ready-to-use concentrate - no pre-dilution required.
Product Versions
REF (Ord.-No.) | Content | Price | Specification | ||||
006688-0020.R | 20 | ml | 49,70 € | [E] |
Reagent without vials. |
006688-0100.R | 100 | ml | 147,40 € | [E] |
Reagent without vials. |
Neubauer 'improved' - disposable
Neubauer 'improved'
Use e.g. for counting erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes.
Glass counting chamber with two counting grids, incl. 2 cover slips.
Product Information
Safety Data Sheets
Our safety data sheets are provided via the service provider SDS-ID International.
You can find the SDS-ID on your product label.
SDS-ID: 100060-2
Certificates of Analysis
Our Certifices of Analysis (CoA) are provided via LOTDOCs International. Lot number and expiry date are required for download. You will find all information on the product itself or, where appropriate, on accompanying documents (delivery note, invoice).
Samson's Reagent
Reagent for leukocytes counting.