Reagenzien (chemische Produkte) für das Naturheilkunde-Labor.
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Die hier aufgeführten Reagenzien sind speziell für die Verwendung in der Naturheilpraxis aus unserer großen Produktpalette ausgewählt.
If you can not find the desired product in this list or any other categories, please inquire.
Obermayer's Reagent
Reagent for indican in urine.
Nitric Acid 53% "raw" - Undercoating/overcoating Reagent
100ml reagent sufficient for about 50 tests. Made from 53% raw technical (unpurified) nitric acid.
Biorapid GmbH
Nitric Acid Reagent - Undercoating/overcoating Reagent
100ml reagent sufficient for about 50 tests.
Synonyms: nitric acid reagent, nitric acid mixture
Biorapid GmbH
Nitric Acid Reagent according to original formulation
For carrying out the 'Heller test' according to Johann Fl. Heller. Prepared according to Heller's original recipe from 3 components. You need approx. 0.5 ml of reagent per determination.
Biorapid GmbH
Hydrochloric acid 2%
Reagent for analysis. No neutralisation is required for disposal.
Hydrochloric acid 38%
Suitable for the extended Schwenk test.
Sulphuric Acid 96%
Suitable for the Schwenk-Test.
Schwenk-Test Kit
Test procedure for traditional urine diagnostics (urine assessment) according to Anton Schwenk.
Sulfosalicylic acid 20%
Reagent for protein in urine.
Sulkowitch Reagent
Qualitative detection of calcium (Ca) in urine.
Biorapid GmbH