Clinical Chemistry - quantitative
Products for clinical chemistry for general use. These Reagents are suitable for manual methods and automats.
Device-specific reagents for specific analyzers see Instrument specific reagents.
Bilirubin DCA
Determination of total bilirubin. Dichloroaniline method (DCA).
Bioanalytic GmbH
Creatinine (Jaffé) - end point, ready for use
Jaffé method with deproteinisation. Photometric determination of creatinine concentration in serum and urine by reaction of creatinine with picric acid after deproteinisation (manual procedure).
Bioanalytic GmbH
Creatinine (Jaffé) - kinetically, ready for use
Jaffé method without deproteinisation. Photometric determination of creatinine concentration in serum and urine by reaction of creatinine with picric acid.
Bioanalytic GmbH
Creatinine (Jaffé) - kinetically, Concentrate
Jaffé method without deproteinization. Photometric quantification of creatinine concentration in serum and urine by reaction of creatinine with picric acid.
Bioanalytic GmbH
Creatinine-Standard 2.0 mg/dl
Creatinine Standard 2.0 mg/dL = 20 mg/L = 176,8 µmol/L
Bioanalytic GmbH
Creatinine-Standard 5.0 mg/dl
Creatinine Standard 5.0 mg/dL = 50 mg/L
Bioanalytic GmbH
Drabkin’s Reagent
For photometric determination of total haemoglobin (Hb) from capillary or EDTA blood.
Bioanalytic GmbH
IBC - Iron Binding Capacity (Kit)
For semi-automatic determination of the iron binding capacity using the suspension method. Preparation kit for iron ferene and iron ferrozine method.
Bioanalytic GmbH
Iron Feren (Kit)
For automatic and manual determination without deproteinizing. Improved method by iron sensitive dye Ferene. Without copper interference like conventional iron methods and thereby particularly suitable for automats.
Bioanalytic GmbH
Iron Ferrozin (Liquid-Reagent Kit)
Ready-to-use liquid reagent for manual and automatic determination of iron in serum and plasma without deproteinization. Also suitable for the determination of iron in food and other liquids.
Bioanalytic GmbH