Iron Standard 25.0µmol/l Fe

Manufacturer Bioanalytic GmbH

Buffered and stabilised calibration standard for all iron methods.
25.0 µmol/l Fe = 140 µg/dl Fe.

Product Versions

All prices plus statutory VAT.
REF (Ord.-No.) Content Price Specification
006516-0010.R   10 ml   12,80 € [F] Brown glass
Iron Feren (Kit)

For automatic and manual determination without deproteinizing. Improved method by iron sensitive dye Ferene. Without copper interference like conventional iron methods and thereby particularly suitable for automats.

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Iron Ferrozin (Liquid-Reagent Kit)

Ready-to-use liquid reagent for manual and automatic determination of iron in serum and plasma without deproteinization. Also suitable for the determination of iron in food and other liquids.

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Iron Ferrozin (Kit)

For manual and automatic determination without deproteinisation. Improved, copper-complexing reagent.

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