ThermoClean BI
Certificate of Analysis available |
for laboratory use |
Manufacturer |
Bioanalytic GmbH |
Stabilizing concentrate for humidification in biological incubators (BI). No contamination of the circulating air with the active ingredients, an impairment of cell growth is excluded. Also suitable for CO2 incubators.
Prevents growth of algae, bacteria and fungi.
100/500 mL convenient dropping/dosage bottle
Only 1 ml to 1.0 L of water!
Don't use ThermoClean BI with chillers / circulating systems.
Product Versions
REF (Ord.-No.) | Content | Price | Specification | ||||
002514-0100 | 100 | ml | 22,90 € | PE dropper bottle | |||
002514-0500 | 500 | ml | 102,80 € | PE dosage bottle |
Handling Instructions
Product Information
Safety Data Sheets
Our safety data sheets are provided via the service provider SDS-ID International.
You can find the SDS-ID on your product label.
SDS-ID: 100129-8
Certificates of Analysis
Our Certifices of Analysis (CoA) are provided via LOTDOCs International. Lot number and expiry date are required for download. You will find all information on the product itself or, where appropriate, on accompanying documents (delivery note, invoice).