Counter Clean E

Manufacturer Bioanalytic GmbH

Counter Clean E is a special enzymatic-katalytic acting cleaning solution for hematology counters and other cell counters, in particular for the removal of undenatured protein deposits.

The basic effect is optimum deproteinisation of all proteins in the counting device. The proteins are cleaved into amino acids and dissolved. There is no denaturation of proteins as with common cleaning agents, because denatured proteins cannot be dissolved again. Counter Clean E is recommended by leading equipment manufacturers and is also sold under other product names.

This product is available for device manufacturers in OEM/CLE version (customised labeling).

Product Versions

All prices plus statutory VAT.
REF (Ord.-No.) Content Price Specification
004710-6001.R 100 ml   50,20 € [D] PE
004710-6002.R   500 ml   36,50 € [D] PE
Product Information
Safety Data Sheets

Our safety data sheets are provided via the service provider SDS-ID International.
You can find the SDS-ID on your product label.

SDS-ID International Logo

SDS-ID: 100052-2

